<aside> 💻 Overview


As a CELO hackathon participant we would like to offer projects the opportunity to take part in a decentralized RPC Bounty using Lava Network

Lava Network is a peer-to-peer market between RPC nodes and applications needing blockchain data access.

Using token-aligned incentives, the protocol ensures that RPC endpoints are accountable for data integrity, latency and availability.

Node runners earn rewards for providing robust RPC service. Developers can access accurate blockchain data, without fear of scalability issues, privacy exploitation or censorship.

<aside> 📖 Submission criteria


In order to qualify for this bounty the project needs to use a Lava Network facilitated RPC both for CELO testnet (alfajores) & mainnet.**

To be considered, please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/3nQnWrC9gsubAfH76

**Projects are free to use any RPC provider for all other Blockchains.

<aside> 🏆 Prizes


We will select 3 winners based on overall quality of the project as well as Celo / Lava Network value alignment with the following prizes per category (1st, 2nd, & 3rd place for a total of 1k cUSD):

🥇 600 cUSD

🥈 300 cUSD

🥉 100 cUSD